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This book details the history and development of the major international agreements affecting copyright and related rights. In particular, it examines the interpretation and application of the following conventions: the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 1886–1970; the Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonogram and Broadcasting Organizations 1961; the WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties 1996; and the TRIPS Agreement (so far as it affects copyright and related rights). Doctrinal analysis exposes gaps and ambiguities in the current text of the Berne Convention and considers the extent to which subsequent international instruments have resolved those questions. Issues concerning new technologies and digital networks thus receive in-depth treatment. The book also addresses questions of subject matter coverage, copyright ownership, duration, nature and scope of rights, and exceptions and limitations to copyright protection. Moreover, it considers private international law matters, looking at problems of international jurisdiction and choice of law.

International Copyright and Neighbouring Rights, 3rd Edition

  • ISBN: 9780198801986

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