Provides a clear explanation of the legal principles governing financial provision upon divorce, with straightforward advice on practice and procedure. This new edition fully reflects developments in caselaw (both in respect of capital and income provision) and procedure (specialist Financial Remedies Courts/FPR 2010 Part 9).
What’s new for 2023:
This new edition has a full update that includes:
- Periodical Payments
- Pensions
- Costs and Funding
- Enforcement
- Non-Court Dispute Resolution, Arbitration and ‘Private FDRs’
- Appeals
- The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and Money Laundering
- An Appendix containing relevant legislative provisions
This new edition is essential for matrimonial lawyers, family mediators, accountants and financial advisers.
Financial Remedies Handbook 2023/24, 14th Edition
ISBN: 9781474326391